NewsArchive: CM Files

Effects of processing parameters and blade patterns on continuous pharmaceutical powder mixing

Near infrared spectroscopic calibration models for real time monitoring of powder density

Enabling real time release testing by NIR prediction of dissolution of tablets made by continuous direct compression (CDC)

Review of the important challenges and opportunities related to modeling of mammalian cell bioreactors

Evolution of the microstructure during the process of consolidation and bonding in soft granular solids

Using Residence Time Distributions (RTDs) to Address the Traceability of Raw Materials in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Perspectives on the continuous manufacturing of powder‐based pharmaceutical processes

Prediction of dissolution profiles by non-destructive near infrared spectroscopy in tablets subjected to different levels of strain

Advanced Control of Continuous Pharmaceutical Tablet Manufacturing Processes

Feedrate deviations caused by hopper refill of loss-in-weight feeders